
Fallout new vegas best traits to start
Fallout new vegas best traits to start

fallout new vegas best traits to start fallout new vegas best traits to start

You only need a magazine and skill 30(40) to start building them, or just 50 in general. The reason I don't have Jury Rig on there is because of the Weapon Repair kits you can build. If my adding is correct (and you're using Comprehension), you should be able to get it by level 6. It's one of the more powerful snipers in the game, and is fairly accurate. Up there is a very hard weapon case that holds a slightly above average sniper (can't remember the name). Then get a Lock picking magazine, go to the sniper perch near Cottonwood Legion Camp. If you want, you can bump back Bloody Mess to level 8 (or if you're playing Hardcore, not bother getting it at all until 28/30) and get Comprehension instead.

fallout new vegas best traits to start

After that go after nothing but Lock Picking. At the beginning of the game it will be kind of rough but you start out with around 40 Gun and Sneak skill (after getting to level 2, you up them to 40). 30: Intense Training (STR or END) This build is primarily meant for being far away, and picking off things before they know what hit them. 2: Confirmed Bachelor / Black Widow 4: Educated 6: Hardcore-Comprehension Core-Bloody Mess 8: Hardcore-Strong Back Core-Comprehension 10: Finesse 12: Pack Rat 14: Hardcore-Entomologist Core-Shotgun Surgeon (this is a back up for if they get close) 16: Better Criticals 18: Tag! 20: Adamantium Skeleton 22: Toughness 24: Toughness (2) 26: Lady Killer / Cherchez La Femme 28: Intense Training (STR or END) I lean towards STR.

Fallout new vegas best traits to start